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Crime/Public Safety/Emergency Services

The reduction of crime is always a major concern, and people need to feel safe in their homes and out in our community. Working with the Police Department to ensure that our district and the city receive the services and support needed to prevent and investigate crime is essential. Ensuring that both our Police and Fire Departments are working with other local and regional agencies to form partnerships is crucial for effective emergency response. I will provide support and advocate for more training and the needed personnel to provide crisis response to mental health or other behavioral health calls, keeping our police personnel free from calls for service that are better handled by specialized teams.

Public Health

There is much work to do alongside county stakeholders in supporting our most vulnerable populations, including seniors, the disabled, those with access to functional needs, and under-represented communities of color. All seniors and families in the city deserve access to quality medical and mental health care within a reasonable distance from their communities. I will support policies that stabilize and expand the reach of the healthcare and transportation systems to Senior, disabled, and disabled veteran residents.

Fiscal Responsibility

I will take responsibility for reviewing and providing oversight of the city budget and financial status. I will ensure we provide open and transparent communications with the public as allowed. I will also ensure that our dollars are well spent, and if they are not, a report on why not will be required.

Affordable Housing

Fairfield is part of the affordable housing crisis that threatens our homeless issues, economic growth potential, and the diversity of communities we all value. Everyone deserves to be housed, including public employees like teachers and firefighters. Cities have an absolute responsibility to create housing to balance jobs and have a balance of all levels of affordability. We have a responsibility to plan for and create a housing supply. As a council member, I will work collaboratively with our communities in housing creation. I will support housing development located near transit that will reduce traffic congestion, build diversity in our community, and benefit the public.

Transportation & Infrastructure

Bus transit, carpools, trains, and automobiles; District 4 has them all. I will work to ensure the stability of our regional public transit agencies and invest in multimodal transportation engineering and policies that address the “last mile” problem we have regionally. Connectivity from transit hubs into communities, incentives to reduce automobile traffic, and enhancement of safety and efficiency are key focuses.

Economic Vibrancy

Since the pandemic, Fairfield has been slow to recover, and our small business owners have suffered tremendously. Additionally, childcare centers and the cost of providing childcare for working families have burdened working families, often forcing them to choose between working and taking care of their kids. As your councilman, my priority will be to work toward helping to create a better environment for businesses, supporting a proactive economic recovery plan that involves stakeholders and voices, working toward the same goal.

Committee to Elect JOSEPH JOYCE
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